Open Call for Papers

Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia (JKI) is inviting researchers, authors, practitioners to contribute to upcoming issues. Please submit complete articles on website. Accepted articles will be reviewed by the Journal's peer-review and published on the nearest upcoming issue.
The Journal's focus is information related to nursing research and evidence-based study including development in nursing knowledge and technology and science. The Journal is published quarterly in Bahasa. Acceptable contributions include original research articles, synthesizing literature surveys, and best practice reports or case reports in quantitative, qualitative or mixed-method approach. All contributions will be peer-reviewed according to appropriate criteria. All JKI articles are required to have a sound scientific, evidential, theoretical or philosophical base and to be critical, questioning and scholarly in approach.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
- Fundamental and basic nursing
- Adult or medical surgical nursing
- Neonatal and pediatric nursing,
- Midwifery and maternity nursing,
- Mental health and psychiatric nursing,
- Family and community health nursing,
- Gerontological nursing,
- Nursing administration and management,
- Oncology nursing,
- Women's health,
- Reproductive health,
- Nursing informatics,
- Education and curriculum development,
- Transcultural nursing,
- HIV/ AIDS and tropical diseases, and
- Health professional, health policy or healthcare system
Visit for more information about length, format, and style. Address further inquiries concerning manuscripts, and submissions to the Editors at All submitted contributions will undergo a blind peer-review process.
We look forward to receiving your papers.