Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang klien dengan perilaku kekerasan yaitu jenis kelamin, lama rawat klien, diagnosis medik, terapi medik dan status pulang klien di RSJP Bogor dan RSJP Jakarta. Responden terdiri dari 68 klien, 48 klien rawat di RSJP Bogor dan 20 klien rawat di RSJP Jakarta. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa lama rawat klien di RSJP Bogor dan RSJP Jakarta mendekati sama, yaitu 33 orang (48,53%) sama dan kurang dari 10 hari, dan 35 orang (51,47%) lebih dari 10 hari. Paling banyak diagnosa medis adalah schizophrenia (63,23%) dan terapi medis adalah chlorpromazine (CPZ), haloperidol (HLP) and trihexyphenidile (THP). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa 33 klien (48,33%) dirawat selama kurang lebih 10 hari, 35 klien lainnya (54,47%) dirawat lebih dari 10 hari. Lebih dari 70% status pulang klien pulang dari rumah sakit adalah atas ijin rumah sakit.
This study was almed at describing the characteristic of client with violence behavior who hospitalized in the Bogor mental hospital and in the Jakarta mental hospital. The characteristics were involved sex, length of stay, medical diagnoses and therapies and the condition of the respon dents at the time of discharge. The respondent were 48 clients who were hospitalized in the Bogor mental hospital and 20 clients who were hospitalized in the Jakarta metal hospital. The result of this study revealed that the length of stay of the client at both the Bogor mental hospital and the Jakata mental hospital was guite equel. Thirtytree clients (48,33%) were hospitalized for less or equel than 10 days and thirtyfive clients (35,47%) were hospitalized for more than 10 days. Most of the clients (62,23%) were diagnosed as schizophrenia and chlorpromazine (CPZ), halloperidol (HLP) and trihexyphenidile (THP) were the most frequent drug used by the client during hospitalization. More than 70% of clients were discrarged from the hospital in good condition withthe permission from the hospial
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