Penelitian fenomenologi yang berperspektif perempuan ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran pengalaman perempuan bekerja berkeluarga dalam melaksanakan perawatan keluarga. Partisipan ditetapkan dengan metode purposif berjumlah enam orang. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan dianalisis dengan metode Collaizz’s. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi delapan tema utama dan satu tema tambahan yaitu alasan perempuan bekerja, kekhususan perempuan bekerja, kemampuan manajerial perempuan bekerja, dukungan sosial, kemampuan melaksanakan tugas kesehatan keluarga, kesenjangan antara harapan pekerja dan dukungan institusi kerja, diskriminasi gender, kebutuhan pekerja terhadap pelayanan kesehatan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa perempuan bekerja mampu melaksanakan tugas kesehatan keluarga dengan dipengaruhi pengetahuan tentang masalah kesehatan, dukungan dari keluarga dan tenaga kesehatan profesional serta hak pekerja untuk mendapatkan jaminan pelayanan kesehatan. Perempuan bekerja juga memiliki kebutuhan khusus terhadap pelayanan kesehatan. Perawat kesehatan kerja diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan keperawatan yang bersifat promotif untuk memelihara dan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan perempuan bekerja.
There is evident that the working women experience numerous problems. The purpose of this feminine perspective phenomenological research was to describe the experience of married working women in carrying out family’s health tasks. There were six women purposively selected to participate in this study. Data was collected using in-depth-interview, exploring the experience of working women in carrying out family’s health tasks and issues related to the experience. Collaizz’s method was utilized to analyse the corrected qualitative data. The result of this study revealed nine themes were the reason for women to work, specification of social support, ability to carry out family health tasks, gap between expectation and insitution’s supporting, working women perception of gender discrimination, women’s need to health care. The research concluded that the working women were capable to carry family health taks which is influenced by their knowledge on health problems, the support of family and professional health providers and the right of providers to have health insurance. The working women also have the special needs of health care services. It is recommended that occupational health nurses should provide nursing care including health promotion and maintenance of health status of working women.
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