Relaksasi Benson merupakan pengembangan metode respons relaksasi dengan melibatkan faktor keyakinan pasien yang dapat mengurangi nyeri pascabedah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektifitas relaksasi Benson dalam menurunkan nyeri pascabedah pasien TUR Prostat. Metode penelitian quasi-eksperimental dengan pre test and post test design with control group. Pengambilan sampel dengan consecutive sampling. Jumlah sampel 14 orang, masing-masing 7 orang pada kelompok intervensi yang diberikan kombinasi relaksasi Benson dan terapi analgesik serta kelompok kontrol yang hanya diberikan terapi analgesik. Relaksasi Benson dilakukan setelah pemberian analgesik dengan durasi 15 menit selama dua hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kombinasi Relaksasi Benson dan terapi analgesik efektif menurunkan rasa nyeri pascabedah pada pasien TUR Prostat (p = 0,019, α = 0,05). Penelitian ini menyarankan Relaksasi Benson digunakan untuk mengurangi nyeri pasca bedah TUR Prostat elektif.
Benson Relaxation is the development of relaxation response method by involving patient is belief factor to relieve postoperative pain. This research was aimed to explore the effectiveness of Benson Relaxation in relieving post-operative pain of TUR prostate. The method used in this study was quasi experimental with pre test and post test design with control group. A total of 14 consecutive samples were participated in this study by divided into the intervention and control group, 7 participants respectively. Those in intervention group received Benson Relaxation combined with analgesic therapy where as in control group took analgesic therapy alone. Benson Relaxation intervention given after analgesic was taken, for 15 minutes each day for two days. The results revealed that combination between Benson Relaxation and analgesic therapy was more effective than analgesic therapy alone (p = 0,019, α = 0,05). The Implication of this research was Benson Relaxation can be applied to relieve post-operative pain of elective TUR Prostate.
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