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VIEWS: 1578
Published: 2010-03-24

Penurunan Tingkat Nyeri Anak Prasekolah Yang Menjalani Penusukan Intravena Untuk Pemasangan Infus Melalui Terapi Musik

Anak usia prasekolah tingkat nyeri terapi musik



Tindakan pemasangan infus dapat menimbulkan nyeri pada anak usia prasekolah. Salah satu cara untuk meminimalkannya adalah dengan terapi musik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi musik terhadap tingkat nyeri anak usia prasekolah yang menjalani penusukan intravena untuk pemasangan infus/ pemasangan infuse. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan Nonequivalent control group, after only design ini dilakukan terhadap 64 anak prasekolah . Hasil penelitian, menggunakan analisa univariat dan bivariat: pooled test, menunjukkan bahwa terapi musik bisa menurunkan tingkat nyeri anak usia prasekolah. Terapi musik diberikan lima menit sebelum pemasangan infus sampai lima menit sesudah pemasangan infus. Terdapat perbedaan tingkat nyeri yang signifikan antara anak usia prasekolah yang diberikan terapi musik dengan anak usia prasekolah yang tidak diberikan terapi musik saat dilakukan pemasangan infus (p= 0,00, α= 0,05).



Music is an effective distraction technique. It has the best influence in a short time. Music reduces the physiological pain, stress and anxiety by distracting someone’s attention from the pain. The objective of this research is to understand recognize the influence of music therapy concerning the level of pain to of pre-school children experiencing venipuncture for the application of infusion therapy, this quasi experiment with Nonequivalent control group, after only design was conducted toward 62 pre-school children that having infusion attachment procedure. The result, using univariate and, bivariate data analysis with pooled test, discovered that there was a significant effect of music therapy in decreasing the level of pain of of pre-school children experiencing venipuncture. Research was using quasi experiment with Nonequivalent control group, after only design. Music therapy was given at 5 minutes before the infusion attachment process was started until 5 minutes after the process was done. There was a significant difference of pain level between pre-school children that was having music therapy than they who was not having music therapy during the infusion attachment process (p= 0,00, α= 0,05).


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How to Cite

Purwati, N. H., Rustina, Y., & Sabri, L. (2010). Penurunan Tingkat Nyeri Anak Prasekolah Yang Menjalani Penusukan Intravena Untuk Pemasangan Infus Melalui Terapi Musik. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 13(1), 49–53.