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VIEWS: 7051
Published: 2010-07-24

Analisis Konsep Kualitas Hidup

analisis konsep dan kualitas hidup



Konsep kualitas hidup mulai digunakan dalam literatur kesehatan setelah perang dunia kedua. Saat ini konsep ini menjadi penting untuk dibahas dalam mengevaluasi hasil akhir kualitas pelayanan kesehatan yang diberikan oleh para professional kesehatan sejalan dengan tumbuhnya kesadaran bahwa kesejahteraan pasien menjadi pertimbangan yang penting dalam memilih terapi pengobatan dan untuk mempertahankan kehidupan. Kualitas hidup menjadi pertimbangan bermakna untuk masyarakat pada umumnya, dan pelayanan kesehatan pada khususnya. Namun, saat ini belum ada konsensus tentang definisi tepat dan spesifik serta alat ukur kualitas hidup. Ketiadaan konsensus ini menjadikan konsep kualitas hidup tetap meragukan. Analisis simultan terhadap konsep tersebut diharapkan dapat menghasilkan suatu konsensus definisi atribut dan alat ukur yang spesifik dan tepat dalam merumuskan konsep kualitas hidup secara operasional melalui pengembangan lebih lanjut berbagai indicator yang telah banyak digunakan dalam mengukur suatu kualitas hidup seorang individu.



The quality of life concept was first used in the health literatures after the World War II. Today this concept has become important to address in evaluating the outcome of the quality of health services provided by health professionals in line with the growing awareness that the welfare of patients becomes an important consideration when they choose medical therapy and to maintain life. Quality of life becomes meaningful to the community considerations, particularly to the health services. However, the quality of life concept currently has no consensus about the appropriate specific definition and measuring tool of quality of life. The absence of consensus leads the quality of life concepts remains ambiguous. Simultaneous analysis of the concept is expected to produce a consensus definition and measurement attribute specific and precise in formulating an operational concept of quality of life through the further development of the various indicators that have been widely used in measuring the quality of life of an individual.


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  2. Andrew, F.M., & Whitey, S.B. (1974). Developing measures of perceived life quality: Results from several national surveys. Social Indicators Research, 1, 1-26.
  3. Campbell, A., Converse, P., & Rodgers, W. (1976). The quality of life (in Meeberg, G.A., 1(993). Quality of life: a concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 18 (1), 32-38).
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  7. Ferrans, C.E. (1996). Development of a conceptual model of quality of life. Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice, 10 (3). 293-304.
  8. Feinsteins, C.E. (1987). Clinical perspectives. Journal of Chronic Disease, 40 (6), 635-640.
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  11. Goodison, S., & Singleton, J. (1989). Quality of life: a critical review of current concepts, measures and their clinical implications. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 26 (4), 327-41.
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  14. Kleinpell, R.M. (1991). Quality of life of critically ill elderly patients. Chicago: University of Illinois.
  15. Meeberg, G.A. (1993). Quality of life: A concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 18 (1), 32-38.

How to Cite

Afiyanti, Y. (2010). Analisis Konsep Kualitas Hidup. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 13(2), 81–86.