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VIEWS: 1649
Published: 2018-03-19


Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia
Relaksasi otot progresif stres keluarga klien gangguan jiwa




Gangguan jiwa merupakan penyakit tidak menular yang menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat, baik didunia maupun di Indonesia. Jumlah gangguan jiwa di kabupaten Kendal meningkat sehingga meningkatnya stres pada keluarga. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menilai efektifitas relaksasi otot progresif dalam menurunkan stres keluarga yang merawat pasien gangguan jiwa. Desain penilitian quasi eksperiment pre-post test with control group dengan 96 sampel secara purposive sampling, 48 kelompok intervensi dan 48 kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian relaksasi otot progresif sangat efektif menurunkan stres keluarga yang merawat pasien gangguan jiwa dibanding kelompok yang tidak mendapatkan perlakuan (p= 0,001).  Rekomendasi penelitian relaksasi otot progresif diberikan pada keluarga pasien gangguan jiwa untuk mengatasi stres keluarga dalam merawat pasien gangguan jiwa.




Effect of progressive muscle relaxation to the level of family stress in caring for clients of mental disorders in Psiciatry Polyclinic Regional General Hospital Kendal. Mental disorders are not contagious disease that is public health problem, both in the world and in Indonesia. In kendalthe number of mental disorders increase so increasing the level of family stress. The purpose of this study to identify the effect of progressive muscle relaxation on the level of family stress in caring for clients of  mental disorders in Psiciatry Polyclinic Regional General Hospital Kendal. Quasi experiments research design pre-post test with control group with 96 sampelsby purposive sampling,48groups received therapyand 48 groups did not receive therapy. The results showed that a progressive muscle relaxation exercise significant difference between the stress levels in the group who received and did not receive therapy (p= 0.001).  Tthis research did recommendated to families who are clients of mental disorders as aprimary care giver stress levels of families cope with caring  for clients in mental disorders with progressive muscle relaxation therapy.

Keywords: progressive muscle relaxation, stress, client family mental disorder


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How to Cite

PH, L., Daulima, N. H. C., & Mustikasari, M. (2018). RELAKSASI OTOT PROGRESIF MENURUNKAN STRES KELUARGA YANG MERAWAT PASIEN GANGGUAN JIWA. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 21(1), 51–59.