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VIEWS: 872
Published: 2015-07-17

Pengaruh Pijat Punggung terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan dan Kenyamanan Pasien Angina Pektoris Stabil Sebelum Tindakan Angiografi Koroner

Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia
coronary angiography pasien APS pijat punggung respons fisiologis-psikologis stres


Menghadapi tindakan diagnostik coronary angiography dan kemungkinan diintervensi lanjut dengan PCI, pasien APS sering cemas, merasa tidak nyaman karena stres. Cemas dan tidak nyaman sebagai respon fisiologis dan psikologis tubuh, terlihat juga pada perubahan tekanan darah, nadi, respirasi, dan suhu. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pijat punggung terhadap tingkat kecemasan dan kenyamanan serta dampaknya pada tekanan darah, nadi, respirasi, dan suhu sebelum tindakan coronary angiography. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain equivalent pretest-posttest with control group quasi experiment, dengan pemilihan sampel probability simple random sampling sejumlah 30 responden. Data kecemasan dan kenyamanan dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner berskala 0–10, pengukuran tekanan darah dan jumlah denyut nadi menggunakan tensimeter digital dan suhu menggunakan termometer digital dengan baterai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan sesudah pijat punggung pada tingkat kecemasan, tingkat kenyamanan, tekanan darah diastolik, nadi, respirasi, dan suhu (p= 0,002; 0,0001; 0,016; 0,0001; 0,005; 0,052). Pijat punggung dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi stres psikologis (kecemasan) dan meningkatkan kenyamanan pasien sebelum tindakan coronary angiography. Rekomendasi ditujukan kepada manajemen ruangan untuk mengaplikasikan pijat punggung sebagai bagian dari SPO angiography.




The Effects of Back Rub on Anxiety and Comfort Level of Patients with Stable Angina Pectoris Before Coronary Angiography Procedure at Cardiac and Cardiovascular. Dealing with coronary angiography diagnostic procedures and the possibility of being intervene with PCI, SAP patients are often anxious, feel uncomfortable due to stress. Anxiety and discomfort are physiological and psychological response, which can be noticed on the change in blood pressure status, pulse, respiration and body temperature. This research was conducted with the main objective to identify the effect of back rub on the level of patient’s anxiety and comfort before coronary angiography procedure. Design used in this research was an equivalent pretest-posttest with control group quasi experiment. Research was conducted using probability simple random sampling; with 30 respondents participated. A questionnaire was used for data collecting of anxiety level with 0–10 scale, digital sphygmomanometer was used for measuring blood pressure and pulse rate, and digital battery powered thermometer was used for measuring body temperature. The results showed differences after back-rub were found in anxiety, comfort, diastolic BP, pulse, respiration, and temperature (p= 0,002; 0,0001; 0,016; 0,0001; 0,005; 0,052). Based on the findings, it can be concluded that back-rub can be applied to reduce patient’s psychological stress (anxiety) and increase comfort before coronary angiography procedure. A recommendation is directed to the management of the ward to apply back-rub as a part of SOP of Angiography Procedure.


Keywords: back-rub, coronary angiography, physical response, psychological response, SAP patients’, stress


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How to Cite

Rosfiati, E., Nurachmah, E., & Yulia, Y. (2015). Pengaruh Pijat Punggung terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan dan Kenyamanan Pasien Angina Pektoris Stabil Sebelum Tindakan Angiografi Koroner. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 18(2), 102–114.