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VIEWS: 1234
Published: 2015-11-17

Efek Life Review Therapy terhadap Depresi pada Lansia

Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia
Prodi DIV Keperawatan, Jurusan Keperawatan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang
Prodi DIV Keperawatan, Jurusan Keperawatan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang
lansia life review therapy depresi


Depresi dapat dialami oleh lanjut usia (lansia) di penghujung kehidupannya. Depresi bukan merupakan proses penuaan yang normal, melainkan masalah psikososial yang dapat diatasi. Prevalensi depresi berkisar antara 10–15% pada lansia di komunitas, 11–45% pada lansia yang membutuhkan rawat inap, dan sampai 50% pada residen panti jompo. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian pre-eksperimen dengan pendekatan one group pre-post test design. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara metode total sampling, sebanyak 28 orang dengan kriteria inklusi lansia yang mengalami depresi tingkat ringan dan sedang. Penelitian dilakukan di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Palembang. Hasil penelitian diperoleh rerata skor depresi lansia sebelum life review therapy adalah 11,61 (SD= 2,061), rerata skor depresi sesudah life review therapy 10,07 (SD= 2,035). Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan ada perbedaan skor depresi sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan life review therapy (p= 0,02). Life review therapy direkomendasikan sebagai alternatif tindakan keperawatan jiwa untuk mengatasi depresi pada lansia.




The Effect of Life Review to the Depression in Elderly People. The Depression can be experienced by the elderly at the end of his life. This is not a normal aging process, but a medical illness that can be treated. Its prevalence ranges from 10–15% of the elderly at the community, 11–45% of the elderly age who require inpatient, and up to 50% in nursing home residents. This research is a pre experiment study with one group pre-post test design. This design used a sample group that was interviewed twice. Pretest and post test were done by using ratio scale. The total sample of 28 elderly people with mild and medium depression at Tresna werdha Elderly Social Institution Palembang. The result showed an average depression score elderly people before life review therapy is 11,61 (SD= 2,061), the average depression scores after the therapy 10,07 review life (SD= 2,035). The result showed that there is a significant difference between before and after life review therapy with therapy for depression in elderly (p= 0,002). It is expected for Tresna Werdha Teratai Social Institution in order to increase quality of services especially in an effort to reduce depression in the elderly people in the home by using review life therapy.


Keywords: elderly, life review therapy, depression


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How to Cite

Aswanira, N., Rumentalia, R., & Vausta, V. (2015). Efek Life Review Therapy terhadap Depresi pada Lansia. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 18(3), 139–142.