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VIEWS: 797
Published: 2015-11-17

Pengalaman Orang Tua Menerima Perilaku Caring Perawat dalam Memfasilitasi Bonding Attachment Bayi Prematur

Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia
bayi prematur pengalaman ibu perilaku caring perawat perawatan intensif neonatus


Perpisahan dengan orang tua akibat perawatan pada bayi prematur berpengaruh terhadap proses bonding attachment. Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi deskriptif pada tujuh partisipan ini menggunakan teknik purpossives sampling yang bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi secara mendalam pengalaman orang tua menerima perilaku caring perawat dalam memfasilitasi bonding attachment bayi prematur di Ruang NICU. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan dianalisis dengan metode Colaizzi. Hasil analisis data mendapatkan tujuh tema, yaitu proses peningkatan pengetahuan, mampu melakukan perawatan terhadap bayinya, respons ibu terhadap tindakan perawatan yang diberikan, termotivasi dalam melakukan perawatan bayi prematur, terpenuhinya kebutuhan bayi selama dilakukan perawatan,  keterlibatan dalam asuhan keperawatan, dan kepuasan terhadap perawatan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan asuhan keperawatan dan bonding attachment pada bayi prematur.





Experience Caring Parents Receive The Behavior of Nurses in Premature Infants Facilitate Bonding Attachment. Separation between parents and premature babies in intensive care unit affects in bonding attachment process. This study was a qualitative research design with descriptive phenomenology approach took 7 participants used Purpossive Sampling Technique. This study aims to explore mother’s experience received nursing caring in facilitated bonding attachment of premature babies. Data were collected with indepht interview and analized with Colaizzi method. The results of data analysis got seven themes: knowledge improving process; capable to cared their babies; mother’s respons with nursing care; was motivated to cared their premature babies, the premature babies needed was fullfiled well; participated in nursing care; and nursing care satisfaction. The result is expectedto be inputin improvingnursing care and bonding attachment in premature babies.


Keywords: premature babies, mother’s experiences, nursing caring, neonatus intensive care


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How to Cite

Ludyanti, L. N., Rustina, Y., & Afiyanti, Y. (2015). Pengalaman Orang Tua Menerima Perilaku Caring Perawat dalam Memfasilitasi Bonding Attachment Bayi Prematur. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 18(3), 181–187.