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VIEWS: 928
Published: 2016-07-17

“Empeng” Efektif Menurunkan Nyeri Bayi saat Pengambilan Darah Vena

Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan, Universitas Indonesia
bayi berat lahir rendah Perawatan Metode Kanguru pemberian empeng pengambilan darah vena respons nyeri


Prosedur pengambilan darah vena dapat menimbulkan nyeri pada bayi berat lahir rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi perbedaan tingkat nyeri selama pengambilan darah vena setelah dilakukan perawatan metode kanguru dan pemberian empeng. Desain penelitian adalah eksperimen acak terkontrol pada 21 bayi berat lahir rendah dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Penilaian respons nyeri menggunakan instrumen Premature Infant Pain Profile. Hasil analisis uji t independen menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna rerata respons nyeri pada kelompok perawatan metode Kanguru (rerata= 8,94) dan pemberian empeng (rerata= 5,08) (p= 0,005). Pemberian empeng pada bayi berat lahir rendah dapat dijadikan sebagai intervensi keperawatan dalam asuhan atraumatik saat prosedur invasif minor.



"Pacifier" effective to reduce pain in babies undergoing venous blood sampling. Venous blood sampling is a procedure which causes pain on low birth weight infants. This study aimed to identify the comparison of pain response between the infants that received Kangaroo Mother Care and the other group who used pacifier for during venous blood sample collection. The research design was randomized controlled trial on 21 low birth weight infants with consecutive sampling. Pain response was assessed by Premature Infant Pain Profile instrument. Independent t-test analysis showed that there were significant differences in mean pain response between Kangaroo Mother Care group (mean = 8,94) and pacifier group (mean= 5,08) (p= 0,005). Pacifier could be used as a nursing intervention in a traumatic care with minor painful procedure in low birth weight infants.


Keywords: low birth weight infants, Kangaroo Mother Care, pacifier, pain response, venous blood collection


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How to Cite

Astuti, D. D., Rustina, Y., & Waluyanti, F. T. (2016). “Empeng” Efektif Menurunkan Nyeri Bayi saat Pengambilan Darah Vena. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 19(2), 78–84.