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VIEWS: 1404
Published: 2017-11-11


Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia
Street children self-esteem parenting style adolescent


Fenomena anak jalanan merupakan fokus perhatian banyak kalangan karena jumlahnya yang terus meningkat. Penelitian sebelumnya menyebutkan bahwa anak jalanan memiliki harga diri yang rendah dan identik dengan pola asuh uninvolved. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif korelatif yang bertujuan mengidentifikasi hubungan pola asuh orangtua dan harga diri anak jalanan usia remaja. Penelitian ini dilakukan di daerah binaan rumah singgah di Jakarta Timur dengan 98 sampel, diambil menggunakan metode consecutive sampling. Harga diri diukur dengan menggunakan Rosenberg’s Self Esteem Scale dan pola asuh diukur dengan Instrumen Pola Asuh Mashoedi yang dikembangkan dari teori pola asuh orangtua milik Diana Baumrind. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara pola asuh orangtua dengan tingkat harga diri anak jalanan usia remaja di Jakarta Timur (p= 0,04). Untuk menangani masalah anak jalanan, diperlukan kerjasama dari pemerintah, perawat komunitas, pekerja sosial dan pihak rumah singgah untuk bersama-sama melakukan pemberdayaan anak jalanan berbasis keluarga dalam upaya merehabilitasi anak jalanan.


Kata kunci: anak jalanan, harga diri, pola asuh orangtua, remaja




Relationship of Parenting Style and Self-Esteem of Street Children the Teen Years. The phenomenon of street children is a matter that has become the focus by many people because the number of street children itself is always increasing. Previous research stated that the street children have low self-esteem and they are identical with uninvolved parenting style. It is descriptive correlative study which aims to identify the relationship between parenting style and self-esteem on street children at East Jakarta. This research was conducted in the target area of shelter in East Jakarta towards 98 samples recruited using consecutive sampling. Self-esteem is measured using Rosenberg's Self Esteem Scale and parenting style measured using Mashoedi’s Parenting Style which was developed from the theory of Diana Baumrind’s parenting style. The results showed, there is a relationship between parenting style and a level of self-esteem street children in East Jakarta (p= 0.04). To overcome the problem of street children, the cooperation between governments, community nurses, social workers and shelter is needed to do the family-based empowerment together to rehabilitate street children.


Keywords: Street children, self-esteem, parenting style, adolescent


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How to Cite

Mentari, P., & Daulima, N. H. C. (2017). HUBUNGAN POLA ASUH ORANGTUA DAN HARGA DIRI ANAK JALANAN USIA REMAJA. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 20(3), 158–167.