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VIEWS: 922
Published: 2018-08-18


Insan Cendekia Husada School of Health Science, Bojonegoro 62111, Indonesia

Angger Anugerah Hadi Sulistyo

Medical and Surgical Nursing
diabetic foot ulcer management of foot ulcer assessment of foot ulcer treatment of foot ulcer


This article explores the effective management of diabetic foot ulcer. A literature review was conducted by analyzing scholar papers including systematic review, clinical and a randomized control trial published between 2000 to 2016 in the English language. Data were searched through CINAHL, PubMed, Proquest and Google Scholar. The keywords used were diabetic foot ulcer or diabetic foot ulcers or diabetic foot or neuropathic foot ulcer combined with assessment and treatment. There were two kinds of assessment used in diabetic foot ulcer which are risk assessment and wound assessment. The treatments that frequently used in diabetic foot ulcer are systemic treatment and local treatment. This literature review can be used as a guideline and literature for further experimental studies.


Keywords: diabetic foot ulcer, management of foot ulcer, assessment of foot ulcer, treatment of foot ulcer





Artikel ini dibuat dengan mencari sumber literatur dari manajemen luka kaki diabetes. Tujuan studi literatur ini adalah untuk mencari manajemen luka diabetes yang paling efektif. Studi literatur ini dibuat dengan melakukan analisis artikel-artikel ilmiah meliputi systematic review, clinical and a randomized control trial dalam bahasa inggris yang dipublikasikan pada tahun 2000 sampai 2016. Data didapatkan dengan mencari di beberapa database meliputi CINAHL, PubMed, Proquest and Google Scholar. Kata kunci pencarian data yaitu dengan menggunakan kata kunci diabetic foot ulcer or diabetic foot ulcers or diabetic foot or neuropathic foot ulcer combined with assessment and treatment. Pada studi literatur ini didapatkan 14 artikel yang sesuai dengan kriteria penelitian. Hasil pencarian artikel ditemukan 2 jenis pengkajian luka diabetes yaitu pengkajian resiko dan pengkajian luka diabetes. Sedangkan penanganan yang sering digunakan dalam luka diabetes adalah penanganan sistemik dan penaganan local. Studi literatur ini dapat dijadikan petunjuk dan tambahan referensi untuk penelitian experiment.


Kata Kunci: luka kaki diabetes, manajemen luka kaki, pengkajian luka kaki, penanganan luka kaki


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How to Cite

Sulistyo, A. A. H. (2018). MANAGEMENT OF DIABETIC FOOT ULCER: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 21(2), 84–93.