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VIEWS: 418
Published: 2020-11-27

Pregnant Women’s Experience during Antenatal Care in Private Clinic Maternity Nursing

Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak 78124
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424
antenatal care maternity nurses pregnant women


Maternity nurses are authorized health workers that provide antenatal care, but their roles and function in antenatal care services are not recognized by the public. This research aims to reveal the experience of pregnant women during antenatal visits in private clinic maternity nursing. Six pregnant women selected using purposive sampling underwent an in-depth interview in this descriptive phenomenological study. Data were analyzed through thematic content analysis with Moustakas approach. Three themes were identified in this study: 1) women experience good communication with maternity nurses; 2) women receive family-centered nursing care; 3) the schedule, cost, facility, and types of service meet the participants’ needs. This study suggests for nurses to improve their competencies in delivering antenatal care according to clients’ needs.


Pengalaman Kehamilan Wanita Selama Masa Perawatan Antenatal di Klinik Mandiri Keperawatan Maternitas. Perawat spesialis maternitas adalah petugas kesehatan berwenang yang menyediakan perawatan antenatal, tetapi peran dan fungsinya dalam layanan perawatan antenatal belum dikenal oleh masyarkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pengalaman ibu hamil selama kunjungan antenatal di klinik mandiri keperawatan maternitas. Enam ibu hamil yang dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling menjalani wawancara mendalam dalam studi fenomenologis deskriptif ini. Data dianalisis melalui tematik konten analisis dengan pendekatan Moustakas. Tiga tema diidentifikasi dalam penelitian ini: 1) ibu hamil mengalami komunikasi yang baik dengan perawat maternitas; 2) wanita menerima asuhan keperawatan yang berpusat pada keluarga; 3) jadwal, biaya, fasilitas, dan jenis pelayanan sesuai keinginan ibu hamil. Studi ini menyarankan bagi perawat untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mereka dalam memberikan pelayanan antenatal sesuai dengan kebutuhan klien.

Kata Kunci: antenatal care, ibu hamil, perawat maternitas


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How to Cite

Fujiana, F., Setyowati, S., & Rachmawati, I. N. (2020). Pregnant Women’s Experience during Antenatal Care in Private Clinic Maternity Nursing. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 23(3), 202–209.