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VIEWS: 748
Published: 2021-03-31

Factors Related to Doctors’ and Nurses’ Perceptions of Evidence-Based Practice and Healthcare Information Access Through Information and Communications Technology

Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Jakarta 10510
School of Health Sciences Jayakarta, Jakarta 13730
College of Applied Medical Sciences, Taif University
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424
doctors evidence-based practice information communications technology nurses perception


Evidence-based practice (EBP) that is supported by the availability of the best literature can improve the quality of health services. Information and communication technology (ICT) usage may provide the evidence in timely-manner. However, literature on the factors related to EBP and ICT of doctors and nurses in Indonesia is scant. This study aimed to describe the factors related to the doctors’ and nurses’ EBP perception and ICT. This survey was conducted in November 2017–January 2018 at one general hospital, five private hospitals, eleven public health centers, and five private clinics. A total of 85 doctors and 271 nurses selected by proportional probability sampling were given online questionnaires. Each questionnaire consisted of 12 items about access to information and 24 items about perception of EBP adopted from the evidence-based practice questionnaire Upton & Upton. Pearson correlation, independent t-test analysis, and one-way ANOVA results found education and role were related to the doctors’ EBP. Education, role, age, and experience were related to the doctors’ ICT. There was a relationship between age and education with the nurses EBP. These two factors and working experience were related to the nurses’ ICT. EBP intervention through ICT may take into account the nature of experienced senior doctors and young inexperience nurses with higher education in the ICT platform. Advocacy is needed to increase the use of ICTs for EBP and professional development. Further research related to the need of knowledge translation through ICT should be conducted.


Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Persepsi Dokter dan Perawat terhadap Praktik Klinis Berbasis Bukti dan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Praktik klinis berbasis bukti (PKBB) yang ditunjang dengan ketersediaan literatur terbaik dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan. Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) menyediakan bukti ilmiah dalam waktu yang singkat. Namun, literature tentang faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan PKBB dan TIK dokter dan perawat di Indonesia masih sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan persepsi PKBB dan TIK dokter dan perawat. Survei ini dilaksanakan pada November 2017–Januari 2018 di satu rumah sakit umum, lima rumah sakit swasta, sebelas puskesmas, dan lima klinik swasta. Sebanyak 85 dokter dan 271 perawat yang dipilih dengan sampel proportional probability diberikan kuesioner daring. Kuesioner terdiri dari 12 pertanyaan tentang akses informasi dan 24 pernyataan tentang persepsi PKBB yang diadopsi dari evidence-based practice questionnaire Upton & Upton. Hasil analisis Pearson correlation, independent T- test dan one-way ANOVA menemukan hubungan antara pendidikan dan peran dengan PKBB dokter, serta pendidikan, peran, usia dan pengalaman kerja berhubungan dengan TIK dokter. Ada hubungan antara umur dan pendidikan dengan PPKB perawat. Kedua faktor dan pengalaman kerja ini terkait dengan TIK perawat. Intervensi PPKB melalui TIK dapat mempertimbangkan karakter dokter senior berpengalaman dan perawat muda yang pendidikan tinggi namun belum berpengalaman dengan platform TIK. Advokasi diperlukan untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan TIK untuk PPKB dan pengembangan profesional. Penelitian lebih lanjut terkait kebutuhan penerjemahan pengetahuan melalui TIK harus dilakukan.

Kata Kunci: dokter, perawat, persepsi, praktik klinis berbasis ilmiah, teknologi informasi komunikasi


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How to Cite

Fajarini, M., Rahayu, S., Felemban, E. M., & Setiawan, A. (2021). Factors Related to Doctors’ and Nurses’ Perceptions of Evidence-Based Practice and Healthcare Information Access Through Information and Communications Technology. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 24(1), 9–16.