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VIEWS: 779
Published: 2021-07-30

The Smoking Behavior of Health Workers in Asia: A Literature Review

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Yahya Bima, West Nusa Tenggara 84171
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55183
health worker role model smoking behavior


Health workers are role models in preventing smoking behavior, yet many are smokers themselves. This study reviews and analyzes the smoking behavior of health workers in Asian countries, based on databases such as PubMed, EBSCO, and Google Scholar in 2013–2018. It is shown that the prevalence of smoking amongst health workers was 4.6–44%, with the nursing profession showing a higher level than other health professions and with a higher ratio of male to female smokers. Health workers are aware of the dangers of smoking, including the effects of cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, oral cancer, atherosclerosis, hypertension, fetal disorders, and infertility. However, the factors that lead to smoking include stress, the influence of friends or family who smoke, and addiction. Health workers are responsible for providing smoking prevention education. However, there are still obstacles to its implementation due to their smoking habits and lack of expertise in educating others. Smoking prohibition policies in the workplace, the training of health workers, and smoking prevention service facilities need to be considered by Asian countries to prevent smoking.


Analisis Perilaku Merokok pada Petugas Kesehatan di Asia: Literatur Review. Petugas kesehatan merupakan role model dalam pencegahan perilaku merokok, akan tetapi masih banyak petugas kesehatan yang merokok. Studi ini meninjau dan menganalisis perilaku merokok petugas kesehatan di negara-negara Asia, bersumber pada basis data seperti PubMed, EBSCO, dan Google Scholar, tahun 2013–2018. Hasil studi menunjukkan perilaku merokok petugas kesehatan memiliki prevalensi sebesar 4,6–44% dengan profesi keperawatan menunjukkan tingkat yang lebih tinggi daripada profesi kesehatan lainnya, dan dengan rasio perokok laki-laki lebih tinggi dari perokok perempuan. Petugas kesehatan menyadari bahaya merokok dan dampak penyakitnya seperti penyakit kardiovaskuler, penyakit pernapasan, kanker mulut, aterosklerosis, hipertensi, gangguan janin, dan kemandulan. Faktor yang memengaruhi merokok adalah stres, pengaruh teman atau keluarga yang merokok, dan kecanduan. Petugas kesehatan bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan pendidikan pencegahan merokok. Namun, masih terdapat kendala dalam pelaksanaannya karena kebiasaan pribadi merokok mereka dan kurangnya keahlian dalam mendidik orang lain. Kebijakan larangan merokok di tempat kerja, pelatihan tenaga kesehatan, dan fasilitas layanan pencegahan merokok perlu diperhatikan oleh negara-negara Asia untuk pencegahan perilaku merokok.

Kata kunci: perilaku merokok, petugas kesehatan, role model


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How to Cite

Rahman, A., & Huriah, T. (2021). The Smoking Behavior of Health Workers in Asia: A Literature Review. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 24(2), 118–130.